Dienstag, 1. Dezember 2009

Sketchy doodles

Only some sketches, ideas and so, but I´ll never finish one of that, I think...
All, expect for one, without reference.

For this I used Photoreference

Donnerstag, 12. November 2009

Time is so rar....

....and I got non of it to scan my new stuff Oo
But now I found some XD

Here we go!

nude-drawing has startet again!
(17 Minutes...)

This seems to be me XP

At November first my sister and me went to see The Dead Weather LIVE in colone. It was so fucking good! Alison, we love you!!

This is my inspiration from that concert:

And at the Frankfurt Bookfair I had the great cance to meet my absolute faverite comic author and painter anyway! Benjamin; it was so cool to saw him draw in front of me. My mind was blown, I swear <3
But I´m not a bit as well as him ;___;
...but I´m trying hard...

These two are from nude-drawing today!
Thats it folks!

And thanks for pasing by!

Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2009

Drawing, drawing, drawing,...

Here´s a little preview of a project I´m working on.
When its ready, I´ll show it here, so be curious!

And here are some sketches from the last days:
Rukia and Ichigo from bleach.

Some female characters, ...

Okay this is a pairing with a little story. It´s about the strange ways of love and how somebody loves an other. Not everybody shows love in the same way ore feels the same way, even, we are all different, but these two perhaps are too different. Or exactly thats the way of their love...

Little Kitty, I never tryed that Mangastyle before...

A very fast watercolor portait of my sister.

And some older sketches, like from the two last month.

Thanks for watching guys!
I´m very happy if someone writes his opinion, or just say, if you like, dislike it.
I never know if someone watches my blog at all, except for the watchers!

Mittwoch, 23. September 2009

a trip to Tuscany and Kassel

Last weekend I visited the connichi in Kassel.
It was a lot of fun there and I met some nice people.

And before that event I was on holiday in Italy.
Two days we stayed in Milan, where my cousins are living.

Then we went to Tuscany and chilled in the garden an watched...

... a lot of geckos. Love them <3

On an other day we went to Rome ...

... or relaxed in that beautiful nature of the toscana.
It was a good time for me, I relaxed even from drawing all day long.
But now, that I´m back and I started drwawing like an insane again =D
You will see more very soon.

Donnerstag, 13. August 2009

And again new stuff from train

after my latest inspiration

and bevore...XD Yeah! I think the different rocks!

All those are done in the train...these are boring times...
This guy looks cute AND scary XD

People I watched while I sat in the train and then I transformed all the faces to one *mahahaha*

My sweet little sister =D

And some comic-stuff ^^

Donnerstag, 30. April 2009

Manga, Akt und ich

Ein paar sweety Manga sketches..



Endlich wieder Aktzeichnen! Das tut gut!

O mein Gott und das war ein Versuch mit einem unfreundlichen Spiegel, bin nicht so geübt im selbst porträtieren...