It was a lot of fun there and I met some nice people.

And before that event I was on holiday in Italy.
Two days we stayed in Milan, where my cousins are living.
Then we went to Tuscany and chilled in the garden an watched...

... a lot of geckos. Love them <3

On an other day we went to Rome ...

... or relaxed in that beautiful nature of the toscana.
It was a good time for me, I relaxed even from drawing all day long.
But now, that I´m back and I started drwawing like an insane again =D
You will see more very soon.

it's not a gecko, it's a lizard. You can tell by the shape of its feet and eyes
AntwortenLöschenDieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
AntwortenLöschenDanke für den Hinweis, jetzt wo dus sagst, stimmt, Geckos haben auch diese Riesenfüße, oder?!
AntwortenLöschen(Geh mal davon aus, dass du deutsch verstehst O__-)