Happy New Year everyone out there!
After more than a hole month I´m back for posting some new entries from my sketchbook.
Hope everyone had a good start in 2010. I had so and it will be a very busy year for me! But I´m looking forward to this!
So here the latest sketches:

Thats the first page of my new sketchbook,
of course, its me XD
And now, we´re back in the Train.

I like these two sketches....

The first one its me again, and the other two I played with colors and shadows and so...and I really love the combination of red and blue in that way. I will do more with that colors and that way of shading.

Different demonstration of how I paint shadows.

Again, people from train.

Those are from nude-painting.

And here some random prtraits, ... hmmm, I just like the way I used the penicil...

Here I played with lines and with normal banal situations, its about, the lines follow the situations and otherwise.

So guys, thats it for today, but I think, its a lot. I did many many more in the last weeks, but I´m not going to bore you to much!
I´m always happy, if you write me, what you´re thinking.